In Memoriam

Two texts came to my memory, far distant from each other in time and demography, still united by their magical beauty. First I quote “Testament” by oustanding Polish poet Konstanty Idelfons Galczynski:

“When my little heart one day cracks
Remember me sometimes nicely
That there was such a guy from the Moon

My pen to the Vistula
My ashes to the four winds
My heart to the postal box” (for communication)

The second one is an inscription from a Viking’s gravestone in a style strangely “cool” and modern:

“He is … Read More

Who, What and for Whom?

In the parking lot I overheard some interview on NPR radio. What stayed in my memory were the words: “This is a global war … not a matter of giving a little more water to the Palestinian farmers.”
Who has to give what and for whom? As if the world were somebody’s colonial property to distribute or give away, water, blood, air, life, death … Who was this ghoul from the eighteenth century who woke up just now, and uses lingo from another epoch?

Open Bouquet issue 94 July August Read More

Life is …

Life is the persistence to keep and spread life in all circumstances; only structures highly deterministic and highly armed to challenge adversity can be considered alive. Nutrients for life come from outside, determinism seems to reside inside. The unbelievable variations in all fields, with the goal of keeping the flame of life against all odds, show that life is not a passive secretion of nature. Determinism exists only in life, which makes it a unique phenomenon in the universe.

From “What Triggered the Stream of Life?” 2006

I’m Red Riding … Read More