Hidden Beauty

Old Polish Shepherd’s Song

O Vistula, deep blue river beside forest
beside forest

And I have a bunch of pipes at my belt
At my belt

I will pick a little pipe, we’ll play
We’ll play

My sheep will hear me, it’s time to go
It’s time to go.

At all threshholds of human existence there is a place for ethos and pathos — places of hidden beauty. WM

#136 July-August 2013

In Memoriam

Two texts came to my memory, far distant from each other in time and demography, still united by their magical beauty. First I quote “Testament” by oustanding Polish poet Konstanty Idelfons Galczynski:

“When my little heart one day cracks
Remember me sometimes nicely
That there was such a guy from the Moon

My pen to the Vistula
My ashes to the four winds
My heart to the postal box” (for communication)

The second one is an inscription from a Viking’s gravestone in a style strangely “cool” and modern:

“He is … Read More