Injustice is what angers us most. If we can do nothing about it, the anger turns against ourselves. Nothing is more harmful than helpless stress. Shared love is justice because both sides enjoy more or less equal satisfaction. Frustrated love joins the stress of injustice. A child’s love is not justice, it’s necessity. A parent’s love is an instinct. Social connections which form families, friends, neighbours, nations, are not based on justice but on reciprocal interest and/or competition. There cannot be justice in competition, only victory of the stronger. In cooperation, common interests are considered justice. Justice is an abstract word created in the domain of philosophy. In rigid societies, justice is based on self-manufactured logic. In the more sophisticated societies, empathy is included which adds to justice a delicate scent of charity, pity, solidarity, even towards strangers. With empathy included, the situation becomes more important than “who is who.”
The tricks of justice
Pure justice is based on the logic which determines right or wrong in the situation. The trick is that nobody voluntarily accepts being wrong and if the wrong one is stronger, then very quickly the quest for justice becomes an exercise of power using justice as an excuse. In this light, the victim of injustice becomes even more a victim because there is an infinity of means to punish the weaker. Authoritarian regimes submit logic and justice to their power. In primitive societies like tribes, clans, prison society, soldiers, students — especially in the lower levels like primary, highschool, etc. – “authoritarian regimes” prevail, with the strong at the top and the weak at the tail. In those societies, discipline is usually firm because punishment can be very painful. Right, justice, are very beautiful flowers but without empathy they remain dangerous, self-congratulating and often disposed to cruelty.
Justice – or right action. Yes, when others are unjust and we are powerless there is anger and despair and often shame. We internalize the voice of the oppressor and begin to believe we are less than. What a tragedy when we mete out more pain upon ourselves. Speaking out against injustice – for ourselves and others – is essential. This post is a good reminder.