
The materialists believe too much in what they know, the spiritualists dream too much about what they don’t know.

Richard Dawkins, agnostic, author of the book “The God Delusion”, sees in creeds false hopes, false rituals and limits to objective investigation.

We can neither prove nor disprove God, and preoccupation about God’s existence is not necessarily our first priority. The three to four dimensions where we spend our life can be with or without God. We know very little of our sensorial world but to live in it we don’t have to understand it better; “The fish doesn’t have to understand the water in which it swims.” Things get more complicated when we enter the dimensions of relativity and quanta: time and space, realities are not the same; we’re like blind visitors guided by mathematical formulas. Niels Bohr expressed it: “Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t understand one single word of what I’ve said to you.” We’re observers and creators of realities, even if we don’t control the process through our will. What might God have to say about it? Even in our daily dimension we encounter enigmas to which we’re so accustommed that we don’t pay attention to them. Let’s take for example the turning wheel: Theoretically we know that no matter at what speed we turn the wheel in our dimension, at the outer circumference the wheel turns faster toward infinity, while at its center it remains immobile. How can a wheel simultaneously turn faster at the exterior while slowing toward immobility at the center? We cannot perceive it with our brain nor senses but we’re obliged to accept it mathematically. So, material reality turns imperceptibly toward philosophy. People who turn toward their own “turning wheel center” symbolised by the Buddhist navel gazing, people like Jesus Christ, Moses, Buddha, Mohammed, radiate — toward God? For them – yes. For us the mystery remains at its very beginning.

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