Bread and Circuses

As far as I know the Roman empire didn’t have state police like the Gestapo or the KGB, nor even the FBI or CIA. Maybe that’s why Spartacus was able to instigate his uprising. Rome had its working formula: bread and circuses, and the civus romanus kept quiet while the Legions abroad did whatever the caesars wanted. The NWO seems to have rediscovered Rome’s formula: today we have Bread — so far so good — and Circuses, like the media and disneylands. As long as those two ‘mamelles’ of society … Read More

Another Autumn …

another November

I look with melancholy as the particles of my participation in the world’s structure fall like petals from a flower, and what remains with me is observation (painting), analysis (writing), and, from time to time, sausage with beer (my preferred). Perhaps the world forces me to be a solitary aquarium but I’m not made to be a hermit, but to march in the cavalcade of humanity, in my place, even if I have to live only a moment.

Extracts of Existence


I watched a small larva trying to climb a steep incline. It fell constantly because it was perfectly smooth with no appendages and began again and again, its fat little body turning over itself, exposed to all dangers. It was like a blind machine. Finally it reached a little chink that I had not seen. Could it have known that the chink was there or is it just that chance always favours persistence? It crawled in for a deserved rest. This mindless little worm did not live for circumstances (“I … Read More

Justice / Injustice

Injustice is what angers us most. If we can do nothing about it, the anger turns against ourselves. Nothing is more harmful than helpless stress. Shared love is justice because both sides enjoy more or less equal satisfaction. Frustrated love joins the stress of injustice. A child’s love is not justice, it’s necessity. A parent’s love is an instinct. Social connections which form families, friends, neighbours, nations, are not based on justice but on reciprocal interest and/or competition. There cannot be justice in competition, only victory of the stronger. In … Read More


Times Online June 06/03/02 (excerpt):
Terror war must target 60 nations, says Bush
from James Doran in Washington

The United States must be prepared to take the War on Terror to up to 60 countries if weapons of mass destruction are to be kept out of terrorists’ hands, President Bush said at the weekend.

In the French movie “Faust”, the young Faust (Gerard Philippe) contemplates the vision of the future sent him by the Devil (Michel Simon). He is on horseback and all he sees around him is ashes … Read More

In “the land of living skies”

In ‘the land of living skies’ (Saskatchewan) I had a dialogue with the sky which spoke to me the language of clouds. Their shapes were like dance without melody, music for the eyes. The sky seems to enjoy the spectator; it would be impossible for such grandeur to exist only for itself. The spirits would be absent. The sky and I unite our solitudes to draw the spirits out of noneness. Sky, spirits and I, we rise to heaven.

Extracts of Existence


A vacation souvenir topic:

Almanzor’s revenge? Of course not! But this comparison came to mind as an analogy to ‘Montezuma’s revenge’ which afflicts tourists in Mexico. A strange incident which occurred in the mountains of Alpuharas, Spain, might look like a manifestation of Almanzor’s burst of bad humour. But if Montezuma has his good reasons for revenge, Almanzor could have nothing against me — on the contrary — as the rest of the story will explain. In my view, what happenned, was a sort of communication, a magic message that … Read More