“Reverent Agnostic”

In the past, people were divided into believers and atheists; they followed either their gurus or their senses and their down to earth logic. Now things are more complicated; there are degrees in almost everything. Materialists are shaken by Relativity and Quanta while, for many believers, the gurus’ faith and authority come into question.

When agnostics start to dig into the Holy Scriptures, it resembles those ancient alchemists whose research often brought unimagined results. A.J. Jakobs, a New York author, an agnostic, spent a whole year living the Bible literally, … Read More


The external world affects our brain which, in its turn, affects our body. But both – brain and body – have their center in the middle of the chest: solar plexus, there, where we discover ourself facing ourself. Solar plexus is our Kundalini, the center of our fight or peace facing life. It’s there where we discover our potential. Kundalini also teaches us that nothing is important under the sun because things that are really important, those of life and death, happen at the level of the exterior world, not … Read More

The Other Side of the Fence

I strolled along a busy urban avenue, I don’t remember in which city. There was a lot of traffic, noise and pollution. In one spot a wooden fence covered the view to passersby. When you approached the fence and looked over, another universe appeared, as if Mother Nature had been there since the beginning. There were grass, flowers, bushes, trees, fragrances, insects … something totally opposite the world on the other side of the fence. How do opposites affect us? Could we become opposite each time we drop into the … Read More

In the Void

dog howling
Howling –(collage) -WM-

In the void, the devil soars. If you have the devil as your valet, you’re sucked into the void and the enigma remains — which world will emerge from it; those from up — down, those from down – up, those from skies – into abyss, those from earth – suspended, those from fire — in waters, those from waters – burned … Longing to be back in intelligent design? Perhaps the universe is contained in a small recipient ad infinitum and we have all the answers … Read More

Do Humans Change?

I had a debate with a friend who holds the politically correct opinion that humans evolve toward universal harmony as can be seen in world metropolises. Only a few “primitives” like those in the Balkans don’t understand this yet, and through persuasion, or force if necessary, everybody should be brought toward the ideal human condition of coexistence.

Since the most remote times leaders have tried to impose their ideals of perfection on societies at large and all they have achieved in the best of cases was truce not peace. Even … Read More

Hidden Beauty

Old Polish Shepherd’s Song

O Vistula, deep blue river beside forest
beside forest

And I have a bunch of pipes at my belt
At my belt

I will pick a little pipe, we’ll play
We’ll play

My sheep will hear me, it’s time to go
It’s time to go.

At all threshholds of human existence there is a place for ethos and pathos — places of hidden beauty. WM

#136 July-August 2013

Ergo Sum

A 19th Century French poet advised: “Let yourself be sustained by your principles — until they start to wobble.” Just for the fun of it, I’d like to shake them right off the bat.

“I think, therefore I am” is accepted as a universal truth but I disagree and propose instead: “I feel, therefore I am.” Perhaps I am not the first to claim it, as it seems pretty obvious. So, sorry for “rediscovering America.”

I know, thanks to the mind, that 2 + 2 = 4, and everybody else … Read More

You May Be Right, But …

Each time you encounter in an argument the “but”, transcending reason, it’s usual stronger than the reason. It refuses dialog proper to reason, it transcends your sense of values. ‘But’ is Zen, it doesn’t impose a solution, it only declares: “I don’t know why, I only know that your solution is unacceptable.” It’s in the twilight zone of intuition that the difference between us and the intelligent machine manifests itself. ‘But’ is quantic, indefinable. It will never be at the service of one idea because an ultimate solution doesn’t exist; … Read More