Change …

~ Condition does not change essence, the ship aground will not root to become a tree.

~ There is no such thing as change; some part goes and another comes in its place. The human is like a tree — the leaves come and go and don’t know about each other

~ The problem is physical if you can change it and philosophical if you must change yourself.

Extracts of Existence

Extracts of Existence


Shaw’s Legacy

Bernard Shaw said, I don’t remember his exact words, that we don’t grow by discovering ourselves but by building ourselves. Usually ‘building’ and ‘seeking’ intermingle. Architect, chemist, theologian and philosopher do both simultaneously. But some disciplines, some cultures, put more accent on one or the other; craftsman, scientist, technician put the accent on ‘building’ while the humanist, especially the mystic, considers himself a ‘seeker’ first. Perhaps the main difference between the, a priori, ‘seeker’ and ‘builder’ is that the builder dismisses the dimension Ouspensky called ‘Miraculous.’ The ‘builder’ acts within … Read More

Life is …

Life is the persistence to keep and spread life in all circumstances; only structures highly deterministic and highly armed to challenge adversity can be considered alive. Nutrients for life come from outside, determinism seems to reside inside. The unbelievable variations in all fields, with the goal of keeping the flame of life against all odds, show that life is not a passive secretion of nature. Determinism exists only in life, which makes it a unique phenomenon in the universe.

From “What Triggered the Stream of Life?” 2006

I’m Red Riding … Read More