“Reverent Agnostic”

In the past, people were divided into believers and atheists; they followed either their gurus or their senses and their down to earth logic. Now things are more complicated; there are degrees in almost everything. Materialists are shaken by Relativity and Quanta while, for many believers, the gurus’ faith and authority come into question.

When agnostics start to dig into the Holy Scriptures, it resembles those ancient alchemists whose research often brought unimagined results. A.J. Jakobs, a New York author, an agnostic, spent a whole year living the Bible literally, … Read More


~ Communion with God: if you exist or not, I commune, because I exist.

~ God, let me find life’s common denominator in order to grasp its cosmic rank!

~ God, make natural selection only one of the options, more a dare than a verdict!

~ God, there are so many things in the world. Let me be all of them at once!

~ If there is such a place as infinity then there is such an entity as God.

~ I drank a wine — blood of the universe. … Read More


The materialists believe too much in what they know, the spiritualists dream too much about what they don’t know.

Richard Dawkins, agnostic, author of the book “The God Delusion”, sees in creeds false hopes, false rituals and limits to objective investigation.

We can neither prove nor disprove God, and preoccupation about God’s existence is not necessarily our first priority. The three to four dimensions where we spend our life can be with or without God. We know very little of our sensorial world but to live in it we don’t … Read More

With or Without God

If I’ve already written about this subject in one way or another — sorry — “Vagabond” becomes too big to keep track of every chink.

The young German Pastor killed by the Nazis, Bonhoeffer I think, said: “With or without God, we live without God.” Why is this obvious?

Usually we are situated between what we do and what happens to us. What we do involves our know-how rather than philosophy, while what happens to us can be wrapped in mystery open to all interpretations, including God. In daily life, … Read More