Bernard Shaw said, I don’t remember his exact words, that we don’t grow by discovering ourselves but by building ourselves. Usually ‘building’ and ‘seeking’ intermingle. Architect, chemist, theologian and philosopher do both simultaneously. But some disciplines, some cultures, put more accent on one or the other; craftsman, scientist, technician put the accent on ‘building’ while the humanist, especially the mystic, considers himself a ‘seeker’ first. Perhaps the main difference between the, a priori, ‘seeker’ and ‘builder’ is that the builder dismisses the dimension Ouspensky called ‘Miraculous.’ The ‘builder’ acts within … Read More
Tag: life questions
Universe of a Bored One
(How not to be bored if over Earth’s Globe
Millions of silent stars shine – Norwid)
His universe is his vital space, his home, his planet, his country, and he is surrounded by infinity which escapes all measure and imagination. Immeasurable empty space between celestial bodies of inconceivable size, mostly turning in their own orbits, and if they happen to meet and collide, it would be a spectacle of unimaginable scope and noise which nobody would see or hear. It’s going on forever. His own planet is so tiny that … Read More
Intuition & Reality?
Me — old and young, rich and poor, wise and fool, loner and social, universal and detached, free and prisoner… Struck blind and deaf, emigrating from myself, I took the pathway to intuition.
I paint, I write, and simultaneously the mystery reveals itself through my invisible partner; there are two of us, as I discovered in my old dream. Apparently, one takes on himself the chains of reality, the second one acts in the domain of the unknown (intuition). Remember that what you create is, in the first place, a … Read More

Autumn Afternoon, oil on burlap, 23 3/4 x 29 1/2 ~WM~
When you’re young and full of spring you perceive and admire the somber drama of the fall and winter. But when the fall/winter penetrates you, you perceive no beauty but sadness, which through your talent, like Debussy, you transform eventually into a message of beauty with the last vestiges of energy, of the light-life remaining in you.
#83 Autumn Afternoon, excerpt, September-October 2004
Beware of …

Beware of exaggerated love for religion if you are not a prophet; of lust, if you are not Casanova; of life, if you are not a creator.
Extracts of Existence
Reflections on a Desert Island
— To Whoever Found the Bottle
What better conditions for reflecting on life than on a desert island where nothing besides life remains with you? As nothing is more yours than your life, this alone deserves reflection. Conclusions, decisions start and end with this. Will you give yourself a medal or a yellow card?
Born among millions, entering the parade ranks, hardly noticing it. When you realize you are surrounded by others like you, the game of life starts; you’re no longer the centre of the universe. You’re pushed and … Read More
The tree asks

Who am I?
Where do I come from?
Why am I here?
Where do I go?