Do Humans Change?

I had a debate with a friend who holds the politically correct opinion that humans evolve toward universal harmony as can be seen in world metropolises. Only a few “primitives” like those in the Balkans don’t understand this yet, and through persuasion, or force if necessary, everybody should be brought toward the ideal human condition of coexistence.

Since the most remote times leaders have tried to impose their ideals of perfection on societies at large and all they have achieved in the best of cases was truce not peace. Even … Read More

Hidden Beauty

Old Polish Shepherd’s Song

O Vistula, deep blue river beside forest
beside forest

And I have a bunch of pipes at my belt
At my belt

I will pick a little pipe, we’ll play
We’ll play

My sheep will hear me, it’s time to go
It’s time to go.

At all threshholds of human existence there is a place for ethos and pathos — places of hidden beauty. WM

#136 July-August 2013


If the old city of Cracow is bursting with life, the old city of Warsaw, rebuilt from scratch after its total destruction by the Nazis and filled with tourists on a quest for souvenirs, is an unreal souvenir in itself, seemingly detached from the rest of the city. Modern Warsaw absorbs you into its dynamic whirlpool as well as into its vestiges of martyrdom and heroism from WW II.

Beautiful old Cracow is commercialized; so filled with business that it seems to be one big display window. The entire old … Read More

In Memoriam

Two texts came to my memory, far distant from each other in time and demography, still united by their magical beauty. First I quote “Testament” by oustanding Polish poet Konstanty Idelfons Galczynski:

“When my little heart one day cracks
Remember me sometimes nicely
That there was such a guy from the Moon

My pen to the Vistula
My ashes to the four winds
My heart to the postal box” (for communication)

The second one is an inscription from a Viking’s gravestone in a style strangely “cool” and modern:

“He is … Read More